The house is finally on the market and that makes it official - we are no longer MOSTtimers; we are now FULLtimers.
We are however parked in front of the house.
Yesterday, after a lengthy bathroom visit, I stepped on the foot peddle of our RV toilet and nothing happened. Well something happened --the cable snapped; but the toilet did not flush. So, after much time spent taking apart the toilet, Charlie pulled out of our campsite and headed for the nearest RV repair. Parts are on order - should be in by Tuesday. Meanwhile the bathrooms at the house are cleaner and more attractive than those at the RV park which is on the verge of flooding anyway. Concrete definitely beats mud puddles when running through downpours in the middle of the night. Either way we get wet.
Goodbye House |
Goodbye gourmet kitchen |
Goodbye angelfish |
Goodbye unshared closet |